Use Cases & Examples

Generate Session Token (default IAM User)

  • Default profile in local awscli config. Default user has permissions to assume roles for which stslib will generate credentials
  • Token with default lifetime (60 minutes)
  • Cli not protected with MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication, 6 digit code)
    from stslib import StsCore

    >>> sts_object = StsCore()
    >>> token = sts_object.generate_session_token()
    >>> print(token)
    <stslib.vault.STSToken at 0x7f05365e3ef0>

    # token attributes

    >>> print(token.start)
    datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 20, 4, 37, tzinfo=tzutc()

    >>> print(token.end)
    datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 21, 4, 36, tzinfo=tzutc())

    >>> print(token.access_key)

    >>> print(token.secret_key)

    >>> print(token.session)

    >>> print(token.boto)    # native boto generated format

    'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAI6QV2U3JJAYRHCJQ',
    'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 20, 4, 37, tzinfo=tzutc()),
    'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 21, 4, 36, tzinfo=tzutc()),
    'SecretAccessKey': 'MdjPAkXTHl12k64LSjmgTWMsmnHk4cJfeMHdXMLA',
    'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDHAaP2wi/+77fNJJryKvAa20AqGxoQlcRtf8RFLa5Mps9zK9V5SM3Q7+M3h9iNbcxfa...zQU='

Generate Session Token (named IAM User)

  • Named IAM user profile in local awscli config. User has permissions to assume roles for which stslib will generate credentials
  • MFA protected cli access configuration
  • STS Token with default lifetime (60 minutes)
    from stslib import StsCore

    >>> sts_object = StsCore(profile_name='BobSmith')
    >>> code = '123456'
    >>> token = sts_object.generate_session_token(mfa_code=code)

    >>> print(token.boto)

    'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAI6QV2U3JJAYRHCJQ',
    'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 20, 4, 37, tzinfo=tzutc()),
    'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 25, 21, 4, 36, tzinfo=tzutc()),
    'SecretAccessKey': 'MdjPAkXTHl12k64LSjmgTWMsmnHk4cJfeMHdXMLA',
    'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDHAaP2wi/+77fNJJryKvAdVZjYKk...zQU='

Generate Credentials (1 hour lifetime)

  • generate STS temporary credentials, default lifetime (60 minutes)
  • Credential format set to ‘vault’ (default stslib format)
  • stslib supports 2 credential formats. See the Credential Format Overview.
    >>> sts_object = StsCore(profile_name='BobSmith')
    >>> token = sts_object.generate_session_token()
    >>> profile_list = [
            'DynamoDBRole-dev', 'CodeDeployRole-qa', 'S3ReadOnlyRole-prod'

            # where profile_list = list of profile names from local awscli config

    >>> sts_object.generate_credentials(profile_list)

    >>> print(credentials)

    'sts-DynamoDBRole-dev': <stslib.vault.STSingleSet at 0x7fee0ae05c88>,
    'sts-CodeDeployRole-qa': <stslib.vault.STSingleSet at 0x7fee0ae05f60>,
    'sts-S3ReadOnlyRole-prod': <stslib.vault.STSingleSet at 0x7fee0ae05fd0>

Generate Extended Use Credentials (Multi-hour, Auto-refresh)

  • Named IAM user profile in local awscli config. User has permissions to assume roles for which stslib will generate credentials
  • MFA protected cli configuration
  • Credential format set to ‘boto’ (native Amazon STS format)
  • Credentials auto-refreshed for total 5 hour valid lifetime without MFA auth
from stslib import StsCore

>>> sts_object = StsCore(profile_name='BobSmith', format='boto')            # boto format credentials
>>> code = '123456'
>>> token = sts_object.generate_session_token(lifetime=5, mfa_code=code)    # 5 hour lifetime triggers auto-refresh
>>> profile_list = [
        'DynamoDBRole-dev', 'CodeDeployRole-qa', 'S3ReadOnlyRole-prod'

        # where profile_list = list of profile names from local awscli config

>>> sts_object.generate_credentials(profile_list)
>>> credentials = sts_object.current_credentials
  • Auto-Refresh of Credentials: stslib will automatically generate new temporary credentials once per hour, prior to expiration (process below)
    >>> print(credentials())

  'sts-DynamoDBRole-dev': {
      'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 14, 17, 45, 652218, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
      'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 17, 45, tzinfo=tzutc()),
      'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAJRW7F2BAVN4J34LQ',
      'SecretAccessKey': 'P8EjwTUKL4hil4Y7Ouo9OkFzQ1IxGikbhIjMP5uN',
      'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDCpxZzDdwWGok/ylQiLcAdlrHCkxP+kvQOes3mnQ0r5GXt...'
  'sts-CodeDeployRole-qa': {
      'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 14, 17, 45, 652218, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
      'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 17, 45, tzinfo=tzutc()),
      'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAIOOOKUYFICAPC6TQ',
      'SecretAccessKey': '3Q+N4UMpbmW7OrvY2mfgbjXxr/qt1L4XqmO+Njpq',
      'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDL/sJkeAF28UsxE/iyLUAbvBrCUoAkP/eqeS...'
  'sts-S3ReadOnlyRole-prod': {
      'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 14, 17, 45, 652218, tzinfo=<UTC>)}}
      'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 17, 46, tzinfo=tzutc()),
      'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAJPRTS4IXPYGPLKZA',
      'SecretAccessKey': 'EMAfJUz5zMNOyjKl7U2IWpJ0GCtWCos0squOE0wz',
      'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDO0ekTXJi4+IRWV1ESLXAe1ZfOpmGcS9hbIr...'

# stdout log stream
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: _validate: Valid account profile names: ['DynamoDBRole-dev', 'CodeDeployRole-qa', 'S3ReadOnlyRole-prod']
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: executing event: <bound method StsCore.generate_credentials of <stslib.core.StsCore object at 0x7f91c9df02e8>>
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: thread identifier: Thread-150
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: thread Alive status is: True
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: completed 1 out of 5 total executions
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: remaining in cycle: 4 hours, 59 minutes

  >>> print(credentials())

  'sts-DynamoDBRole-dev': {
      'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 17, 45, 652218, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
      'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 16, 17, 45, tzinfo=tzutc()),
      'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAJRW7F2BAVN4J34LQ',
      'SecretAccessKey': 'P8EjwTUKL4hil4Y7Ouo9OkFzQ1IxGikbhIjMP5uN',
      'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDCpxZzDdwWGok/ylQiLcAdlrHCkxP+kvQOes3mnQ0r5GXt...'
  'sts-CodeDeployRole-qa': {
      'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 17, 45, 652218, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
      'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 16, 17, 45, tzinfo=tzutc()),
      'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAIOOOKUYFICAPC6TQ',
      'SecretAccessKey': '3Q+N4UMpbmW7OrvY2mfgbjXxr/qt1L4XqmO+Njpq',
      'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDL/sJkeAF28UsxE/iyLUAbvBrCUoAkP/eqeS...'
  'sts-S3ReadOnlyRole-prod': {
      'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 17, 45, 652218, tzinfo=<UTC>)}}
      'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 16, 17, 46, tzinfo=tzutc()),
      'AccessKeyId': 'ASIAJPRTS4IXPYGPLKZA',
      'SecretAccessKey': 'EMAfJUz5zMNOyjKl7U2IWpJ0GCtWCos0squOE0wz',
      'SessionToken': 'FQoDYXdzEDMaDO0ekTXJi4+IRWV1ESLXAe1ZfOpmGcS9hbIr...'

# stdout log stream
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: _validate: Valid account profile names: ['DynamoDBRole-dev', 'CodeDeployRole-qa', 'S3ReadOnlyRole-prod']
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: thread identifier: Thread-150
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: thread Alive status is: True
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: completed 2 out of 5 total executions
/stslib/ - 0.2.0 - [INFO]: remaining in cycle: 3 hours, 59 minutes

Auto-Refresh Credentials – Additional Info

  • Refresh of credentials is non-blocking (via threading)
  • Thread management is via event states; threads are terminated as soon as their associated session token expires or they receive a halt event.
  • No hanging threads. Any live threads when new credentials generated are safely terminated before generating a new set.

Non-default IAM Role credentials filename or location

Use-Case: When you wish to use role credentials file not currently part of the awscli, provide a custom location to stslib as a parameter.
  • Initialization
import stslib

>>> sts_object = stslib.StsCore()
>>> credentials_file = '~/myAccount/role_credentials'   # awscli credentials file,
                                                        # located in ~/.aws
>>> sts_object.refactor(credentials_file)
>>> sts_object.profiles
  • Output
    "acme-db-dev": {
        "role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::236600111358:role/AcmeDEV",
        "mfa_serial": "arn:aws:iam::3788881165911:mfa/BillCaster",
        "source_profile": "william-caster"
    "acme-apps-dev": {
        "role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123660943358:role/AcmeDEV",
        "mfa_serial": "arn:aws:iam::3788881165911:mfa/BillCaster",
        "source_profile": "william-caster"
    "acme-apps-qa": {
        "role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::430864833800:role/AcmeAdmin",
        "mfa_serial": "arn:aws:iam::3788881165911:mfa/BillCaster",
        "source_profile": "william-caster"
    "acme-prod08": {
        "role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::798623437252:role/EC2RORole",
        "mfa_serial": "arn:aws:iam::3788881165911:mfa/BillCaster",
        "source_profile": "william-caster"
    "acme-prod09": {
        "role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123660943358:role/S3Role",
        "mfa_serial": "arn:aws:iam::3788881165911:mfa/BillCaster",
        "source_profile": "william-caster"

( Table Of Contents )